Saturday, March 5, 2011

Anybody Home?

As I snowshoe along one of the North Fork Park trails, meandering along a ridge high above the creek below, I venture upon this humble abode in a Gambel Oak (aka scrub oak). I hear chickadees and squirrels chatter in full alert all around me, none to happy about my presence; yet, whoever lives here did not even look to see what was causing all the commotion. Maybe they were out enjoying this beautiful winter's day!


grammie g said...

Hi Kathryn..don't you just love finding these things, always makes me curious!!
Nice!! : }}

Kathryn said...

Yes, Grammie, I love the little surprises of nature.

Kathie Brown said...

Or sleeping Kathryn! Who knows...maybe an owl lives there! Wouldn't that be cool! Is your snow melted yet?