Thursday, February 7, 2013

Finally Got It!

Glancing out the front windows, something different catches my eye, "What is that?", I ask myself. (Yes, I said it out loud.) So I grab my bins which are always sitting on the window sill and try my best to keep up with this zippy little bird!

This tiny bird's first appearance at the suet feeder was in late December.  After many, many failed attempts to catch this fast-flickering, never stay in one spot, little thing, I finally got a shot (albeit not the best or focused clearly).  Now I have proof!

What is it you ask?  A Ruby-crowned Kinglet!  A new Yard Bird for My Mountain Green.

He is so small compared to the other birds nearby.

Patiently waits his turn with a House Finch (above) and a Black-capped Chickadee (below).

Sometimes he hovers like a hummingbird to feed from the bottom of the feeder if another finch is feeding above.  Persistent little thing for sure!

Hope you enjoy this tiny visitor to My Mountain Green as much as I!


Elizabeth said...

That's an impressive yard bird! The first year I moved to Utah I got a Lazuli Bunting as a yard bird. I couldn't see him very well so I thought I was hallucinating a blue bird in the yard.

Roy Norris said...

Well done Kathryn, that was a nice capture.

Kathryn said...

Thanks, Elizabeth. I remember the first time I saw a lazuli too! Wow! Such a blue at that!

Roy, thanks.

Kathie Brown said...

Yeah! Good for you! They sure do move quickly! Great job!

grammie g said...

Hi Kathryn...ooh so nice that you caught the sweet little fella : }
It is rare in your area?
Great photos on the move!! ; )

Kathryn said...

Kathie, they do flit around quickly. Now I see almost everyday.

Grace, the bird books say they are year around in Utah, but more commonly seen in the winter. I had never seen one here, only in AZ and MA when I visited Kathie.

Elizabeth said...

I saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet in April two years ago at the Red Butte Botanical Gardens in SLC. I see them around a lot in the summer.