Tuesday, May 6, 2014

When Life Gets In The Way

Wow, as I sit down to write, I realize it has been three months since my last post. I guess that is what happens when life gets in the way.  With that said, I will have to continue with the hiatus for a while...

After 16+ years of living in My Mountain Green, we are selling the house and most of our "stuff". It amazes me how much we accumulate over the years. De-cluttering, cleaning, sorting, painting and staging is consuming my time.  Hopefully by Memorial Day, the house will officially be on the market.  

Anyone want to buy a house in beautiful Northern Utah?

Where are we going, you ask?  Good question...live the life of gypsies could best describe it...a little time here, a little time there...enjoying life wherever God leads us!

Bittersweet day, today...sold my Mustang GT convertible.

So sometime this Summer, I hope to start posting about our new adventure.  Now if only I can think of a new blog name!

Thanks for visiting My Mountain Green!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lendonwood Gardens in the Fall

As I explore a "new to me" part of the county, Lendonwood Gardens is a botanical garden and local birding hotspot located in Grove, Oklahoma in the northeast corner of the state.  Beautiful any time of the year, I am sure, and I hope to experience more often in the future, early Fall finds this little picturesque park a quiet respite in complete solitude.  I spent a couple of hours here one afternoon and only saw one other person the whole time.  Enjoy the solitude with me….

American Beauty Berry

Toad Lillys

Toad Lilly

Towering Oaks

While an eBird hotspot, I did not see many birds this day, but I did see Blue Jays, Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, Carolina Chickadees, Northern Cardinals, and Tufted Titmouses.  Looking forward to birding here again this year.

Thanks for stopping by My Mountain Green even though you got a small glimpse of Northeast Oklahoma.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A View From Within

So what do you do on a gray, snowy, cold day?
 Look out the windows, of course!
Looking out the upstairs front window.

Looking out the master bathroom window.

Looking out the balcony door window.

Looking out my home office window.

Looking out the front porch window at all the birdies!

Snow is blanketing My Mountain Green while I enjoy the warming fireplace, sipping my coffee,
and catching up on my blog reading.

Thanks for stopping by My Mountain Green.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, Mr. Flicker!

As I look out the front window on this 1st day of 2014,  one of the most beautiful birds that visits My Mountain Green greets me!  My response...

"Happy New Year, Mr. Flicker!"

Wishing all my friends a 
Happy, Healthy and Adventuresome New Year!